The musical culture of the Society of Jesus was forged not just by members of that order, but also by secular musicians associated with it. One of them was Nicolaus Franciscus Frölich, an organist of the Church of the Assumption in Kłodzko in years 1688-1708. In the music collection of the convent of Canonesses Regular in Wrocław has been preserved copies of his three works: very rich employed requiem setting Viaticum mortuorum, the offertory O Maria Virgo pia and the setting of Salve Regina. The Wrocław copy of the last one piece has been written 1693, in which Karl Dankwart painted on the walls of the nave of Kłodzko parish church a cycle of twelve frescoes representing the petitions of this antiphon.
We invite you to free download the fourth part of the C series: Nicolaus Franciscus Frölich († 1708). Viaticum mortuorum, O Maria Virgo pia, Salve Regina, ed. Tomasz Jeż, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa 2018